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Starting a new job? Here's some advice to help you succeed.

  • Date: Oct 23, 2019
  • Author: Alastair Tulloch

Starting a new job can be a daunting process. Whether it’s your first job or your 150th, your first few weeks in a new role or a new company can be a challenging time. In order to succeed and settle into your new role, there are often a lot of expectations that you might need to conform with. 

While it’s the company’s job to help you learn about your new office’s culture, the majority of your ability to succeed within your new role sits with you. Here at Vetro, we know how scary that amount of responsibility sounds, that’s why we’ve compiled these tips aimed to help you succeed in your new job. 

Ask a lot of questions

There’s a lot to learn when starting a new job - from how to do your job effectively, what is expected of you and how to navigate your new work environment. Don’t be afraid to ask questions when you need help, as it’s better to gather the information you need in order to do the job properly the first time vs struggling and running the risk of starting off your new career on the wrong foot. 

It will take time to learn all of the new skills associated with your job role and most of your colleagues will understand that there may be times when you make mistakes, however, asking for advice will only make a good first impression. Remember, there are bound to be people who have the same questions as you, so don’t be afraid to reach out. 

It’s also advised that you show initiative and do your own research too. Take time to learn about your position within an organisation so that your questions are relevant and aren’t perceived as uninformed. You may find it helpful to keep a copy of your job description in case you’d like to refer back to it. 

Finally, if you’ve been provided answers to your questions, listen carefully and take notes if needed, so that you don’t have to ask similar questions again. 

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Create good time management skills 

When starting a new role it won’t take long for your workload to increase which can become overwhelming if you don’t address your time management skills regularly. Some helpful time management techniques include maintaining a list of items that need to be completed daily and creating timescales to complete certain projects. 

If you begin to struggle with your workload and find others asking you to complete new tasks, you may need to find a way of negotiating timescales. Provide your current obligations and then ask if the due date can be amended to fit around these. Also, don’t be afraid to ask your manager to help you set priorities if you find yourself struggling. 

Aside from ensuring you can complete your projects on time, it is also imperative that you practice good time management when it comes to arriving at the office. Make sure you leave enough time to complete your commute and arrive at the office a few minutes early. Turning up late does not make a great first impression. 

Vetro Recruitment New Job Advice

Set your boundaries early on 

This can be a difficult piece of career advice to understand but setting healthy boundaries early on in your new job can be really helpful in terms of clarifying things like how late you’re willing to work, the total number of hours you will work each week and how you will deal with saying ‘no’ to requests. 

For example, if your manager emails you on a weekend and you reply, you may be setting an expectation that you will always be willing to work on weekends. 

By understanding your own boundaries and establishing them with your manager or colleagues will allow you to set realistic expectations. 

However, keep an open mind as ad-hoc requests can sometimes become the tasks that you enjoy the most and therefore have no problem completing. 

Remember that trust and rewards are earned 

When thinking about how to do well in a new job, it’s important to remember that you shouldn't make unrealistic demands and that trust and rewards are earned. Proving yourself to those who matter by turning up on time and doing your work well makes you more likely to be given leniency on how you handle your schedule and workloads. 

Of course, asking for what you need is completely acceptable and you mustn’t be afraid to request things that will aid you in doing your job well. 

Vetro Recruitment New Job Advice

Don’t forget your personal brand 

You will have heard it lots of times but the moment you step foot into your new workplace, you are representing yourself and your personal brand. It is so often discussed because it is a key piece of advice on succeeding in a new job. 

It’s well known that your first 90 days within a new organisation are often treated as an extension of the interview process. Your new manager will spend these first few months evaluating your performance, observing your work ethic and deciding if you are the right person for the job and a good fit for the team. 

This means that you should use every interaction to prove that you are respectful, professional and diligent in your work as well proving that you are someone who your colleagues with enjoy spending their day with. Every task is an opportunity to learn, grow, meet new people and represent yourself in a positive way. 

Looking for tips on how to ace an interview? Click here to find out how

Remember that your probationary period is a good thing 

Most workplaces use the probationary period as an opportunity to provide new hires with extra training and support. They may even offer you a dedicated career coach or mentor to help you navigate your new role. 

Although this period is used to ensure you are the right match, it is also a great way to check in on your own progress and provide feedback on your first few months within a new role. 

Probationary periods sound scary but they don’t have to be. Regular catch-ups with your manager can help you to discuss issues before they become larger problems. 

Bonus Tip

Believe in yourself. You are guaranteed to face frustrations and make mistakes while you’re adjusting. No one goes into a new job as an expert. Try not to fixate on what you need to do but rather, think about how far you’ve come and what you might do next. Remember, out of a pool of candidates, your new employer chose you for the role. You’ve got this.

If however, you're still looking for your dream job, we have hundreds of vacancies available across the UK. Take a look and see if Vetro can find you your perfect role.

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