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How do I Prepare for a Video Interview?

  • Date: Mar 26, 2021
  • Author: Alastair Tulloch
  • Tags: career advice,interview preperation,interview tips

We have all had to adjust to different ways of working over the last year. This is no different for hiring teams who have been using video interviews to meet their potential new staff.


But how can you prepare for a video interview? 


We get asked this question so often so we wanted to share our top tips with you:


  1. Test your technology. This is often always one of the biggest challenges on the day of the video interview. Make sure the computer loads properly and that it is fully charged with no updates required. Install any software that is needed for the interview, and ensure you have a professional username created.

  2. Location and presentation. Make sure the space is free from distractions and is suitable for presenting yourself to the interviewer. You don’t want your dirty laundry in view.

  3. Dress for success. Just because you are at home, doesn’t mean you should be dressed in your loungewear. Dress exactly as you would attend a face-to-face interview.

  4. Be early. Get yourself logged on 5 to 10 minutes early. Have a glass of water handy should you need some time to collect your thoughts. Have a book and pen ready and some prepared questions and answers in anticipation of the interview. Some questions to consider in advance can be:

    1. Tell me about yourself - Don’t go into your life story, make it relevant to the role you are applying for.

    2. Why do you want to work for us? - Consider your future with the company.

    3. What are your strengths and weaknesses? - Try to identify a positive opportunity for your weakness.

  5. Maintain posture and eye contact. Have the computer camera at eye level. The interviewer doesn’t want to look up your nose. Don’t fidget. Look at and talk to the interviewer.


A video interview is the same as a face-to-face interview, treat it as such. Take notes. Pause to consider questions and answers. Project yourself clearly. Present yourself well. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Show your appreciation to the interviewers and wait for the interviewer to close the interview with you. 

We need to prepare ourselves for a more digital world. With the right technology and screening software, we are able to conduct our interviews online. For more interview tips please visit our Career Toolkit. 

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